I am having a hard time introducing a topic on my blog. I feel the need to go on an on and discuss everything from waaaaay back! I know I haven't even tackled a single thing about how I am surviving my life as a mom of twins. That was so high up my priority list when I was brainstorming for this new blog. I feel overwhelmed with the need to share with you guys everything that I've been through for the past 9 months. That is seriously alot of material! So I took a breather and decided to just tackle what I am currently experiencing with my beauties. I will just go back and discuss things I suddenly remember or just go through my journal back then.
Sooo anyway my twins turmed 9 months this March! That is as much time as they spent inside me give or take a few days. JUST WOW!!! I remember reading Sweet Valley (Kids - University) and thinking how cool it is to have a twin. I bet we all entertained that thought growing up to that book series. However I also remember quickly dismissing it in my head, the impossibility of it all. Did not even get to thinking of how cool it would be to have twin sons/daughters - well look where were at now. HAHA
My babies are actually talking and playing with each other already. I am a much amused spectator to this world of their own. So with this recent development, I am starting to see the benefits of having these 2 babies at once thing. If at first it was all the trouble of all your expenses doubling and you being twice sleep and energy deprived - now I am seeing the silver lining. I think it is about time to relax and truly enjoy this blessing I have been given.
1. All that weird stares that I got when pregnant is paying off. I am this really petite girl with this huge pregnant belly. It was a surprise how I don't topple over. Now that they are finally out of me, we make quite a cute group. HAHA Smiles and compliments are now a norm. Totally an instant mood enhancer!
2. I have given my babies an instant best friend. They will always, always have each other. They never have to face anything alone if they do not want to. AND REALLY this also translates to more spare time for MOMMY! I can leave them on their own to entertain and amuse each other. HAHA
3. They learn to share early on, such an important life lesson. No more awkward moments at pre-school! This also means that I will feel less guilty on splurging on humongous toys! Hello dollhouses, jungle gyms and board games!!!
4. I saved this one for last. Nothing more touching seeing the two of them together, loving each other. Though now it is restrained to simple gestures like a pat on the head, a smile when they see the other or waking the other up as soon as the other wakes. I melt.
I am sure my list will get longer as my twins get older too.
I am glad I was able to share this with all of you. Maybe it will help remind us all that our trials always yield amazing things. May it be something tangible and material or just a great change in how we are as persons. I am truly grateful God entrusted me with such a precious challenge. I am loving how this is changing me.
much love