Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day Musings

My friend gave me the perfect Mother's Day greeting in a form of an article imparting the "latest parenting method". It had come to me at just the right time as I have been recently harbouring thoughts that really should not have been entertained in the first place. Coming from a 5 day business trip sans the kiddos, I was at my lowest low. I was tired and not feeling the spirit of mom's day at all.  I have led myself to fall into a pity trap. I blame it on our current generation that is so immersed in social media wherein we get a sneak peek of how the other person lives so easily. How effortless it is now to share moments and achievements to our network. Though we can argue that this can be a good thing. We learn a lot from what others share if we follow the right people. However, how easy also to compare lifestyles which may take a wrong turn into jealousy and resentment. A horrible horrible thing. I for one have been vulnerable to such recently. I hate it. It is the worst feeling. I follow moms that seem to have a hand on it all - the experts, the supermoms. So easy to let you feel that you are not doing it right...  So really this message cannot come at the best time. At the moment when moms are being glorified for a stellar job, I was sulking at the thought that maybe I am not doing enough.  The message cannot be any clearer. 

An excerpt from the article: 

  • Worried your friend’s child has mastered the alphabet quicker than your child? Calm the fuck down.
  • Scared you’re not imparting the wisdom your child will need to survive in school and beyond? Calm the fuck down.
  • Concerned that you’re not the type of parent you thought you’d be? Calm the fuck down.
  • Upset that your child doesn’t show interest in certain areas of learning? Calm the fuck down.
  • Stressed that your child exhibits behavior in public you find embarrassing? Calm the fuck down.

Yes, using the CTFD method, you’ll find the pressure lifted and realize your child loves you no matter what, even if they’ve yet to master the alphabet. You’ll also learn that whether or not you’re the best parent in the world, as long as you love your child, they’ll think you are and that’s what matters.

Oh how we put pressure on ourselves as mothers. So hard on ourselves especially when it has anything to do with our children. But really I should just CALM THE F*CK DOWN! I am not perfect and that is ok. I do NOT have the answers to everything, smart tips and tricks and expert advises. All I have are personal moments that are ruled by how I love them. And really there is no one clearer rule except to just LOVE them. Everything else will follow.  I am all for raising unique individuals and clearly the only way to do that is mess them up a bit right? My imperfections will make them beautiful characters. It will make them MINE. 

much love

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