Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Of Pretty Things and Memories

I have been dying to share this with everyone but kept postponing since I thought I will be able to add to the present amount of work I have done. However,  I cannot hold on any longer since I am so proud of the turning point their group was able to accomplish in just a year!!!

I was so fortunate to be friends with Pinky, one of the founders of Life Documented Manila and was one of the 1st batches to attend their fun workshop.  It was wonderful how they were able to bring people together who share the same passion of "memory keeping" and was able to introduce the "new" way of doing it. Even I, who has a limited capacity of being artsy found it so fool proof! It was so easy to do and yield such beautiful results! 

We were asked to bring in photos of a theme that we would want to work on. I brought in my girls' monthly photos and birthday photos. My eldest was so lucky to have numerous albums with PRINTED photos that I felt I have to do one for my twins too.  Of course others brought in travel photos etc. and I was cringing with me being so old school - that one mommy that scrapbooks about their kids! BUT one thing that makes this great is that, there is no way that yours will turn out uncool! 

So as you can see I have yet to add a few bits and pieces on my Project Life Binder. I want to reiterate how utterly simple and easy this is. There is just really something wrong with me and I still haven't completed the task. Or maybe I was overwhelmed since I have to detail out 2 years of my twins' life. So my tip to you mommas out there is start just START already. Start even before your little one is out.  In our digital world where everything is online, I think it will be nice for our kids to have something to hold on to that is really personal. For them to see the strokes of your pen and the edges you made on the photos that you printed out. To browse thru small knick-knacks, tickets, artworks or even a leaf you both picked up. Something tangible wherein they can connect with us would be cherished so much. I am promising now to make a follow-up post on this and how I have improved on mine. 

Do check out their website and Facebook by clicking on the link. You will see there other inspiring and creative works and their workshop schedules. It is worth the click and the time I promise!!!

much love

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