Tuesday, September 10, 2013

28 years.

I'm pretty sure my love affair with maxi pleated skirts will never end.  Something about donning on a floor length skirt/dress instantly spells special. So I reserved this mint number for the day I turned 28. 

TWENTY freaking EIGHT! 

I remember being 16 and thinking 28 will be the year I am allowing myself to get married. By then surely I would have a job and be all financially stable and secure. I would know how to run a household, cook, clean, budget etc. It was that magical number that I thought then to be the time I would be all grown up and mature enough.  It is just evocative of how things do not go as planned isn't it? (1) I got married 3 years earlier than the goal. (2) I will admit that there are times I feel I am just playing house. (3) I was utterly slow in finding the career path that I love. 

When I was younger I was quick to assume that the number of years would equate to the state of mind. That growing up will happen in a snap. I thought, that by this time, I just got to be, you know - a proper adult.  You guys are probably shaking your heads in amusement. Yes I know I am a young 28 year old. I am a walking contradiction. A mom of three and yet still pretty much think of herself as a kid too. 

You must also be wondering how I am faring. Well it is a constant learning process. I have to admit I was a pretty laid back learner when I was a kid. Not very pro active. I always assumed there will be a time for that in the future. Of course if there is one thing my life story can attest to - is that, lets us reiterate -  nothing ever goes as planned.  I had my eldest when I was 22. So yep I pretty much skipped a lot of years that I allotted to learning time. I pretty much dove head first to everything. Which may be why I still feel that I am in constant panic. I am rushing, rushing into figuring things out as I live it. 

At 28 this is my greatest and most proud of accomplishment. 
This is also why I am so grateful for the support system that I have. My family and my hubby's never failed to be there to support us in any way.  Maybe that is why we are slow at the up take. But seriously I do not know how we would have survived if they felt the need to cut us off completely. We both have a nurturing family sometimes even bordering on spoilers (for a lack of a better term).  And that is the philosophy we live by. When I had the guts to voice out my fears of raising my son to my dad all he had to tell me was "when he cries always pick him up no matter what". Simple yet encompassing on how we were raised. 

much love

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