Thursday, November 14, 2013

Raising Socially Aware Kids

In lieu of the events that have devastated our nation I have come to think about how I will raise my kids to be socially aware individuals.  I have discussed how generosity is a very important trait that I have been trying to ingrain to my children. With the twins, I feel that this is so crucial since they will be living their lives tied together in many ways that sharing is a necessity. As for my eldest he was spoiled with attention and material things for so long that the test is just coming now as he learns to share not just toys and food but also the spotlight. However, there must be a deeper rooted understanding in them that I want to impose that goes beyond the self and the people that surrounds them. 

I have often said that I have been blunt in raising C. I never thought that he is too young to understand issues I just go on and explain. Because of this I have a very curious child that seeks answers to questions that always amuse  and surprise me. Recently, he again did not fail to put me in awe. We saw a wishing well and he asked for 2 coins from me. We were just watching him, keen to hear what he will wish for. Nothing prepared me for it though. Here are his wishes: 1. That the earth be safe and 2. For poor people not to be poor anymore. OK I was so shocked! I am actually starting to question my parenting skills, that maybe I have gone too far. Why is my kid not wishing for a toy or candy??! So moms what do you think? I for one am very proud of my son and really a bit of myself (and those that influence him) too but maybe I am making him too mature for his age.  But who am I to complain. Seriously. I have the best kid. 

much love


  1. I read a good tip about saving and charity in kids. Give them 3 piggy banks: one is used for their savings (a portion of the money from gifts, allowances, etc.), one for their wants and the last is filled with money to give to charity. =)

    1. Thank you for this!! I will try this with him maybe then I can balance it out =)
